Bata Lajos (szerk.): Advances in liquid crystal research and applications. Proceedings of the third Liquid Crystal Conference of the Socialist Countries, Budapest, 27-31 august 1979 II. (Budapest - Oxford, 1981)


Advances in Liquid Crystal Research and Applications Edited by Lajos Bata Pergamon Press, Oxford Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest — 1980 Study of connection between liquid crystalline properties and structures P. M. Agócs, G. Motika, J. A. Szabó. A. I. Zoltai Institute of Organic Chemistry, József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary In the aromatic ring substituted cholesteryl­­phenyl-carbonates, O-cholesteryl-phenyl-car­­bamates and benzoates of cholesteryl-ethylene­­glycol-monoether have been synthesized. The thermal stability of mesophases formed has been studied according to type and_ posi­tion of the substituents. Until I962 only one homologous series of cholest­eric mesophase building materials was known /1/. The requirements of the application technique hastened research in synthetic chemistry, and as a result, by 1967 17 homologous series had already been synthesized from cholesterol derivatives substituted in 3 -position /2/. The purpose of the synthesis was to find out the connection between the structure and the mesomorphic characterics. Two main research lines were followed. On one hand the chemical rules underlying the homolo­gous series were investigated and, on the other hand, the molecular structure has been studied /3/. V/e can get more exact picture of the formation of mesophases and the effects caused by the steric ar­rangement of substituent groups by more detailed and 1039
