Bognár Géza (szerk.): Proceedings of the second colloquium on microwave communication. Budapest, 12-19. June, 1962 - Proceedings of the colloquium on microwave communication 2. (Budapest, 1963)

PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND COLLOQUIUM ON MICROWAVE COMMUNICATION Budapest, 12—16 June, 1962 At the second International Colloquium on Microwave Com­munication thirty-two contrib­utors from nine countries, representing Czechoslovakia, France, German Democratic Republic, German Federal Re­public, Poland, United King­dom, US, USSR and Hungary expounded their views on the ever growing demands on mi­crowave radiolinks. They dealt with subjects concerning mi­crowave communication in the fields of system analysis, micro­­wave circuits and antennas, microwave electronics, electron­ic circuits and systems meas­urements. These important papers are contained in this volume. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ PUBLISHING HOUSE OE THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OP SCIENCES Budapest V. Alkotmány u. 21
