Ecology of an oak forest in Hungary,. Results of „Sikfőkut Project” . 1. Structure, primary production and mineral cycling (Budapest, 1985)

ECOLOGY OF AN OAK FOREST IN HUNGARY RESULTS OF "SIKFÖKÚT PROJECT" 1 Structure, primary production and mineral cycling This book comprises the research results of the first Hungarian terrestrial ecology study which commenced in 1972 in northern Hungary in a hill oak forest region under the title of "Sikfókút Project". The most important ecological parameters of temperate climazonal Quercus petraea, Quer­cus cerris oak forests have been reported by 21 contributors from which conclusions may be drawn with respect to less disturbed processes of forest autoregulation (energy flow, element cycle, decomposition). The enormous research material in 4-5 repeti­tions was worked out using the accepted methods of IBP and the Hungarian Biosphere Programme so it may be linked to international research results. The book will be most useful for recognizing local and global pollution processes of the human environment, thereby broadening the scientific basis for environmental protection. It will be worthwhile reading for ecologists, production biologists, botanists, zoologists, foresters, geographers, meteorologists, pedologists as well as environmentalists, and landscape designers.
