Fitch, Walter S (szerk.): Multiple periodic variable stars 1. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 29. Held at Budapest 1-5 September 1975 - Multiple periodic variable stars 1. (Budapest, 1976)

MULTIPLE PERIODIC VARIABLE STARS PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION COLLOQUIUM No. 29 HELD AT BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, l-б SEPTEMBER 1976 Edited by WALTER S. FITCH The International Astronomical Union has its colloquia on variable stars generally every third year. The 62 lectures of the 29th Colloquium held in Budapest, Sep­tember 1975 were concerned with the multiple periodic variable stars; they give a survey of recent progress of research in this field, dealing with results of observation and their theoretical signifi­cance. Sessions were devoted to the follow­ing types of variables: (1) ß Canis Majoris Stars; (2) Magnetic and Ap Variables; (3) Miras and Red Variables; (4) Cepheids; (5) RR Lyrae Stars; (6) RRe and Ö Scuti Stars; (7) White Dwarfs and Novae; (8) Close Binaries and X-Ray Sources. We publish here the invited papers. The contributed papers are published simul­taneously. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ BUDAPEST
