Garam Éva: Avar finds in the Hungarian National Museum - Cemeteries of the Avar period (567-829) in Hungary 1. (Budapest, 1975)

(Cemeteries of the Avar Period (567—829) in Hungary, Vol. 1) by É. Garam, I. Kovrig, J. Gy. Szabó and Gy. Török AVAR FINDS IN THE HUNGARIAN NATIONAL MUSEUM This is the first part of the series “Cemeteries of the Avar Period in Hungary” to be published in five volumes comprising original studies on Avar Period cemeteries excavated on Hungarian territory. The Avar Empire, beginning in 567 A. D., existed for about two and a half centuries in the Middle Danube Basin where more than a thousand sites of this period have been catalogued. The majority of the cemeteries was uncovered between the two World Wars, with only a few completely excavated. This volume includes studies of twelve cemeteries from the following localities: Homokmégy-Halom, Szebény (I —III), Dévaványa, Szob, Tiszaderzs, Pilismarót, Kis­kőrös Pohibuj Mackó-dűlő, Kiskőrös Cebe-puszta, Kis­kőrös Szűcsi-dűlő, Visznek. Their archaeological ma­terial is preserved in the Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum (Hungarian National Museum). The book is primarily meant for archaeologists engaged in studies on the early Middle Ages but it is also useful to historians. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest
