Góth E. - Fövényi J. (szerk.): Polypeptide hormones. Proceedings of the 4. Congress of the Hungarian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Budapest, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1. 1969 - Congress of the Hungarian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism 4. (Budapest, 1971)

POLYPEPTIDE HORMONES Ed. by E. OÓTH ami.). FÖVÉNYT The volume comprises the 71 lectures delivered at the Congress of the Hungarian Society of Endo­crinology and Metabolism held in September, 1 i)f>9. Researchers of 11 European and American coun­tries, among them Sheehan, Pawan, Pinter and Pattec, Rohde, Lazarev etc., reported on their scientific and clinical endeavours. These papers survey recent knowledge on polypeptide hormones. The human lipotropin and the human synthetic ACTH, two hormones whose pure production was first successfully achieved in I lungary, may be of particular interest. Twenty papers deal with the synthesis of human synthetic ACTH, (1 with the releas­ing and inhibiting factors of the hypothalamus, -i with calcitonin, II with insulin, IS with growth hormone and prolactin, 5 with non­­synthetic ACTH. An introductory survey lecture was delivered about each hormone. The free lectures cover a spectrum of topics like TSH, i .ATS, vasopressin and adre­nal steroids. The varied material may be of interest to biochemists engaged in research on polypeptide hormones, to physiologists, pathologists and endocrinologists. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ PUBUISHING HOUSE OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BUDAPEST
