Haynal Imre: Paroxysmal tachycardia. Pathogenesis and treatment of the supraventicular form (Budapest, 1968)

I. HAYNAL - J. MATSCH PAROXYSMAL TACHYCARDIA PATHOGENESIS AND TREATMENT OF THE SUPRAVENTRICULAR FORM The first part of the monograph contains a historical survey of the various theories on the pathomecha­­nism of paroxysmal tachycardia (PT). Based on the evidence of their own examinations the authors conclude that in supraventricular PT (consti­tuting the overwhelming majority of essential PT cases) a deficiency in the function of either the pituitary or the target glands is observable. This, in turn, causes hypothalamic excita­tion, to stimulate pituitary activity which spreads to cell groups of the basal brain structure that are able to control vegetative activity and also that of the heart. The patho­­mechanism of a concomitant pheno­menon, urina spastica, is dealt with. The paroxysms could, in certain cases, be stopped with substitutional endocrine therapy. If the hypothala­mic excitation waspostulated to be psychogenic, tranquillizers and seda­tives were given, with good results. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BUDAPEST
