Kiss Attila: Avar cemeteries in county Baranya - Cemeteries of the Avar period (567-829) in Hungary 2. (Budapest, 1977)

AVAR CEMETERIES IN COUNTY BARANYA (Cemeteries of the Avar Period (567-829) in Hungary, Vol. 2) by A. Kiss This is a highly interesting volume in which the excava­tion results of 43 Avar Period sites found on the terri­tory of County Baranya are published; 1200 graves are catalogued. The sites are treated in a uniform pattern. First the excavation and the site are described and this is followed by a catalogue of the graves. Later the burial customs and grave goods are analysed and each section is completed with a summary. The concluding part of the book gives an outline of the settlement history and ethnic relations during the Avar Period in County Baranya. On the basis ofthefinds, three consecutive Avar invasions of the Carpathian Basin can be followed. At the same time the existence of different ethnic groups on this territory can be traced. The whole material is fully documented in the figures and plates. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest Avar Cemeteries in County Baranya A. KISS Cemeteries of the Avar Period 7567-829/ in Hungary AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ, BUDAPEST
