Knoll, J. - Kelemen K. (szerk.): 5. Dopamine, ageing and diseases 6. Endogenous anorecti 7. Prostanoids. Advances in pharmacological research and practice. Proceedings of the 4th congress of the Hungarian Pharmacological Society, Budapest, 1985 - Advances in pharmacological research and practice 4/3. (Budapest, 1986)

ADVANCES IN PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE General Editors: J. KNOLL and K. KELEMEN '• ;F-t„*-» • “«~ л i ■> v л ^ '\ •______' i* /: Volume 3 DOPAMINE, AGEING AND DISEASES Editors ■-VAY ... 4' ; ^ 3<n' J. Borsy L. Kerecsen and L. György ENDOGENOUS ANORECTICS B. Knoll, J. Nagy and J. Tímár Editors PROSTANOIDS PERGAMON PRESS AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ
