Knoll József (szerk.): Symposium on pharmacology of the heart - Second Congress of the Hungarian Pharmacological Society 6. (Budapest, 1976)

SECOND CONGRESS OF THE HUNGARIAN PHARMACOLOGICAL SOCIETY General editor: J. KNOLL Edited by L. SZEKERES and J. GY. PAPP In the symposium 28 foreign and 24 Hungarian researchers took part reporting on the experi­mental results and clinical observations in the field of pharmacology of the heart and blood vessels. The papers deal —among others — with the electrophysical characteristics of the cell membrane of the myocardium, the effects of antiarrhythmic drugs on the cells, the patho­­mechanism of different arrhythmias, the damages of the heart metabolism and the direct effect of metabolites on the heart. For the first time, this book discusses the developing pharmacology of the heart paying special attention to different drugs with antiarrhythmic and antianginal effects. Separate reports account for the clinicopharma­­cological synthesis of these effects examining mainly with noninvasive methods. The researchers dealing with the experimental and clinica I ph armacology, pathophysiology and biochemistry of the heart and blood vessels may irst of all take interest in th is book. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
