Kostrowicki, Jerzy: Polish agriculture. Characteristics, types and regions - Geography of world agriculture 1. (Budapest, 1972)

POLISH AGRICULTURE CHARACTERISTICS, TYPES AND REGIONS by J. KOSTROWICKI and R. SZCZIJSNY J. Kostrowicki and his eo-worker R. Szcz^sny not only give a com­prehensive picture of Polish agri­culture but also present their fully developed research methodology into Polish agricultural geography. First they acquaint us with the economic aspects of farm-property relationships and the man-power situation in, and the technical standards of, agriculture. They then exemplify the geographical method with which the various forms of land use and livestock breeding can be classified. The analytical survey of the separate production branches is followed by model syntheses of the structure of gross production and commodity production, agricultural produc­tion types and finally types of agrarian region. In addition to describing the farming system of one of the leading agricultural coun­tries of the world, the research methods presented in this book can be successfully applied in other countries as well. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BUDAPEST
