Lissák K. (szerk.): Symposium on reproduction. Congress of the Hungarian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism. Aug. 31 - Sept. 2. 1967. Pécs - Congress of the Hungarian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism 1. (Budapest, 1967)

SYMPOSIUM ON REPRODUCTION Held during the Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism. Pécs (Hun­gary), Aug. 31-Sept. 2. 1967 Edited by K. Lissák Contributors of the sympo­sium give a survey on recent developments achieved in the research of the physiology, endocrinology and pathology of reproduction. The papers discuss the neural and hor­monal control of the pitui­tary-gonadal functions (B. Flerkó, В. T. Donovan and M. Kurcz), the neuroendo­crine control of the patterns of sexual behaviour (L. R. Aronson, E. Endrőczi and S. Levine), the biosynthetic pathways of gonadal hor­mones (Gy. Telegdy), and the role of environmental factors influencing repro­ductive functions (S. Arvay). From the clinico-pathological viewpoint a survey is given on the pituitary-adrenocorti­cal and gonadal functions, and on the usage of pro­­gestogens as contraceptive agents (M. Julesz and F. Szontágh). Recent data on the control of gestation and placentation are also pre­sented in the volume (L. Lajos). The book is recom­­mended for physiologists, endocrinologists and patho­logists interested in the various fields of reproduct­ive physiology and path­­ology.
