Makai Mária: The dialectics of moral consciousness. A contribution to the theory of marxist general ethics - Studia philosophica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 14. (Budapest, 1972)

THE DIALECTICS OF MORAL CONSCIOUSNESS (STUDIA PHILOSOPHICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE 14) “Highly original” — that is how Peter Kirschenmann summed up his opinion of the work of Mária Makai when in the Berichte des Bundesinstituts für ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien he reviewed the study which contained the outlines of this book. This work is the first attempt in the literature of Marxist ethics at a sys­tematic historical analysis of the con­figurations of moral consciousness. What were the beginnings of moral consciousness, what is the essence of moral evaluation, how does value­­judgement develop into norm and what can be the function of the latter? These and other problems are discuss­ed by the author first on the plane of morals as an historically developed objectivity of social consciousness, and then specified from the aspect of indi­vidual moral consciousness. Thus, starting from the “bottomless well” (Thomas Mann) of the past of moral consciousness, she arrives at an anal­ysis of the structure and problems of the moraUty of the modern individual. She relies on the achievements of var­ious sciences and philosophy and, from the viewpoint of the Marxist ideal of man — of an autonomous, self-relying mankind — she gives a critique of various contemporary trends opposing this ideal. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Budapest ' : 1 •' j __. '­, j 1E°K jj и H ii I ЯШЯ r' ' ' I W •: ,y I г lllllllllllll
