Maróthy János: Music and the bourgeois, music and the proletarian (Budapest, 1974)

Index of names

Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand 205, 211 Fletcher, Andrew 394 Fortini, P. 198 Foster, Stephen 12, 62, 113, 256, 500 Frederick, William IV. 418 Frost 298 Fulda, Adam of 302 Fux, Johann Joseph 216 Garaudy, Roger 545 Garnier, Auguste 444 Garnier, Hippolyte 444 Gáspár, Margit 232, 233, 376 Gay, John 396, 397, 576 Gebauer, J. 354 Geibel, Emanuel von 418 Gel, Frantisek 425 Gennrich, Friedrich 26, 154, 210 Gereblyés, László 403 Gesualdo, Don Carlo 52, 62, 63, 89, 113, 120, 546—48 Gevaert, Francois Auguste 28, 132, 165, 170, 174, 193 Geyer, Flórián 276 Gille, Charles 451, 452 Gippius, Evgeny Vladimirovich 137, 140, 185, 274, 281, 293, 464 Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich 52, 80, 90, 547, 658 Gluck, Christoph Willibald 237 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 31, 45, 70, 71, 132, 222, 233, 351, 404 Gorky, Maxim 92, 392, 491, 581 Görner, O. 222, 404 Görres 132 Gossec, Francois Joseph 240,245—47,249, 252 Gramsci, Antonio 139 Greenway, John 227, 289, 325, 503, 604, 509, 512, 515, 533, 535 Grillparzer, Franz 552 Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoph 404 Grisar, Albert 434 Grove, Georges 373 Gruber, Roman Il’ich 35, 137, 140, 296 Gudevill, Kurt 166, 285, 430 Guillotin, Joseph Ignace 355, 356 Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume 131 Gungl, Josef 438—40, 470 Gussev, Viktor Evgen’evich 133, 139, 258, 553 Guthrie, Woodie 391, 536 Guttuso, Renato 572 Hagen, Friedrich Heinrich von der 417 Hammond, H. E. D. 294 Händel, Georg Friedrich 69, 95, 98, 132, 240, 270, 271, 483 Hanslick, Eduard 547 Hathaway, B. 120 Hawkins, Sir John 293 Haydn, Franz Joseph 60, 108, 109, 170, 270, 416, 454, 522 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 12, 70 Heidegger, Martin 51 Heine, Heinrich 86, 374—78, 400, 457, 563 Henderson, Ph. 297 Herbst, Johann Andreas 303 Hertel, Johann Wilhelm 430 Herwegh, Georg 300 Hidas, Antal 299, 454 Hill, Joe 391, 534-36 Hindemith, Paul 556 Hirsch, Werner 382 Hobsbawm, E. J. 282, 283, 285 Hofer, Andreas 310, 416 Hoffmann, Ludwig 382 Hoffmann-Ostwald, Daniel 382 Hofmeyer, Günter 300, 445, 463, 470, 577 Hogan, John 396 Hogerth, George 100, 270 Homer 355 Honegger, Arthur 295, 556 Hopkins, John 394 Horace 44, 151 Horák, Jifi 395 Hugill, Stan 161, 293, 314, 321, 476, 495, 497 Ilenkov 92 Istvánovits, Márton 139 Jackson, George Pullen 303 Jakobs, Arthur 247 Janácek, Leos 549, 557, 559, 564, 575 Janda, Elsbeth 225, 365 Járdányi, Pál 165, 324, 343, 347 Jeanroy 156 Jiránek, Jaroslav 140 Jöde, Fritz 556 Johnson, Guy B. 510 Johnson, Lyndon Baines 474 Johnson, Robert 197 Johnson, Bunk 377, 521, 530 Jones, Ernest 474 Jonson, Ben 95 Josquin des Prés 77 József, Attila 272, 285, 383, 572, 573, 581 Joyce, James 549 Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules 395 Kafka, Franz 97, 544, 545 Kálmány, Lajos 338 Kanehl, Oskar 463 Karbusicky, Vladimir 137, 140, 265, 390, 394, 395, 404, 405, 409, 410-12, 423 584
