Napolskikh, Vladimir - Siikala, Anna-Leena - Hoppál Mihály (szerk.): Khanty Mythology - Encyclopaedia of Uralic mythologies 2. (Budapest, 2006)

Khanty Ш V f h о 1 о q у The Encyclopaedia oi Uralic Mythologies oilers a com­­parative base lor the study ol the roots and present terms of Finno-Ugrian and Samoyedic mythologies and ethnic religions. The peoples speaking the Uralic languages indigenous peoples of Northern Eurasia in the territory extending Írom Fennoscandia to the Taimyr Peninsula. |НННЯНВЯНВВж Along with their complicated histories and cultural dit­­ferences, the Uralic groups have maintained and created original religious and mythological traditions, where | traces of archaic religious systems, e.g. shamanism, animal ceremonialism and astral mythology, merged with ancient foreign influences and more recent religions. ■ Mythology is understood in a broad sense, including not only myths proper but also information about religious нШнШШшшэт! beliefs, connected rituals, the sphere of magic and its ^0$ I I
