Náray-Szabó István: Inorganic crystal chemistry (Budapest, 1969)

I. NÁRAY-SZABÓ INORGANIC CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY The results of research for more than half a century on the structure of crystals are presented in this book in terms of regular arrays of atoms, ions or molecules. The chemical for­mulas thought previously formalistic are represented as definite three­­dimensional lattices. The structures are illustrated by a number of artistic figures, the majority of which is new. The system of elements and inorganic compounds, discussed strictly follow­ing the periodic table, gives a survey of inorganic chemistry on this basis for the first time. The use of the origi­nal literature is made possible by a great number of references. A com­prehensive survey is given by the tabu­lated crystal data of the most impor­tant types of compounds. A subject and author index, together with a very extensive index of chemical for­mulas, contribute to the usefulness of the book. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE HUN­GARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BUDAPEST
