Papp Ferenc - Szépe György: Papers in computational linguistics (Budapest, 1976)

PAPERS IN COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS Edited by F. Papp and Gy. Szépe The Third International Meeting on Computational Xinguistics was held in ßebrecen in the summer of 1971. This volume contains the lectures delivered at the conference. The papers point out the several directions in which computational linguistics has developed in recent years. Besides automatic translation — the best known and most disputed aspect of computational linguistics — the collection includes papers in those areas of the science of language on which computational linguistics has hail considerable and beneficial in­fluence. Computational and statistical methods have, as proved by GLIDE ’71, been successfully applied on the phonological, morphological, syntac­tic and semantic levels of linguistic analysis. The volume reflects the considerable convergence of ideas which became apparent during the five-day sympo­sium among the representatives of 21 countries. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BUDAPEST
