Proceedings of the 7. International Congress on Acoustics. Budapest, 18-26. Aug. 1971. General progress papers, round table conferences, Section E: General acoustics - International Congress on Acoustics 1. (Budapest, 1971)

SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ACOUSTICS, BUDAPEST 1971 FOREWORD The papers appeared in these Proceedings were submitted and read at the 7th International Congress on Acoustics held in Budapest, Hungary, 18-26 August 1971. The technical program of the Congress Meeting comprised about 720 papers, delivered in 13 parallel sessions throughout a week. The Pro­ceedings include 13 General Progress Papers, 23 papers of Round Table Conferences and 615 regular Contributed Papers in about 2800 pages. The full material issued in four volumes as follows: Vol 1 GENERAL ACOUSTICS G (General Progress Papers) R (Round Table Conferences) E (Electroacoustics and Measuring Technics)- Author Index Vol 2 TECHNICAL ACOUSTICS A (Architectural & Room Acoustics) N (Noise and Aeroacoustics) V (Vibrations, Non-linear Acoustics) Vol 3 SUBJECTIVE ACOUSTICS C (Speech and Communication) H (Hearing, Physiological Acoustics) S (Psychological & Musical Acoustics') Vol 4 PHYSICAL ACOUSTICS M (Molecular Acoustics) P (Physical Acoustics) U (Ultrasonics, Underwater Acoustics) Table of Contents belongs to each volume of the Proceedings. President of the Obngress- Ill
