Proceedings of the Conference on Signal Recording on Moving Magnetic Media. Berichte der Konferenz über die Signalspeicherung auf bewegten magnetischen Medien. Budapest, 15-18. Okt. 1962 (Budapest, 1964)

PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL RECORDING ON MOVING MAGNETIC MEDIA Budapest 15—18. October 1962 This volume comprises the full text and figures of the pa­pers read at the Conference. The papers are published in the original languages — most of them in German and English. The subjects discussed in the papers cover the whole field of magnetic recording, including the sound recording well known today, the recently introduced video recording, as well as the instrumentation recording and the applications of magnetic recording in cybernetics and automation. Besides the theoret­ical problems in these branches, the current particular problems of the branches themselves are treated too. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ BUDAPEST Distributors KULTURA Budapest 62 P.O. B. 149
