Socialist world market prices. Budapest, Apr 1967 (Budapest, 1969)

SOCIALIST WORLD MARKET PRICES Economists of the socialist coun­tries belonging to the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) have strived since long to shape the price system of inter- CMEA trade in a way most suit­able to develop international cooperation and safeguard the in­terests of each participant coun­try. For their efforts, the Inter­national Conference organized by the Permanent Economic Com­mittee of CMEA, April 1967, Budapest, has been of major im­portance. In this volume we pub­lish studies prepared on the basis of papers submitted to the Con­ference, reflecting attempts to solve the problem. During the course of discus­sions mainly dealing with the features of the price system to be applied, some economists advo­cated creation of an “own” CMEA price basis derived from the pro­duction prices of the participating countries. Others, however, raised several arguments against such a special system, suggesting reliance on the price mechanism of the world market, with certain built­­in corrections to neutralize the effects of speculative factors and excessive price fluctuations in­fluencing world market mecha­nism. At the Conference, criticism was launched, although to different extents, on the ineffectiveness of the actual price system applied in CMEA market. In this context, the problems bearing upon the function of market and value relations were also examined.
