Solt Judit - Nika E. - Kemény T. (szerk.): Measurement and instrumentation: acta IMEKO 1973. Proceedings of the 6th Congress of the International Measurement Confederation, Tomus III. . Dresden, 17-23 June, 1973 - Acta IMEKO (Budapest, 1974)

meksuRemenT IMID insTRumen-Twion is offered to libraries and experts in the field of measurement and instrumentation. ACTA IMEKO 1973 presents to the read­ers the collection of all papers delivered at the 6th Congress of the INTERNATIONAL MEASUREMENT CONFEDERATION — IMEKO — held in Dresden in June 1973. It contains 165 original, heretofore unpub­lished contributions by authors coming from 23 different countries. The very timely topic of the CONGRESS Acquisition and Processing of Measurement Data for Automation was treated in the following main sections: 1. Theory of Measurement Systems 2. The Automation of Instrument Design, Manufacture and Testing 3. Means and Methods for the Instrument- Computer Interface 4. On-line Measurement in Continuous Pro­cesses 5. Measurement in Discontinuous Processes 6. Measuring System for the Control of Pollution 7. Testing, Calibration and Parameter Esti­mation of Industrial Sensors and Measuring Systems вВ) AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences BUDAPEST
