Some methodological achievements of the Hungarian hybrid maize breeding (Budapest, 1970)

SOME METHODOLOGICAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE HUNGARIAN HYBRID MAIZE BREEDING Edited by I. KOVÄCS This collection of papers covers the major methodological results achieved in Hungarian hybrid maize breeding during the past 15 years. Primarily the papers examine the genetic stock and the recent methods of production and prelim­inary evaluation of inbred lines. Various experiments analyze the variability in combining ability of inbred lines within the population of long-time inbred lines. Others treat the development of combin­ing ability and certain agronomic characteristics with respect to fer­tile and various other donors pro­duced by sterile lines. Further stud­ies tackle such important problems like the influence of environment, fertility of sterile and inbred lines and of the hybrids, yielding abil­ity, cold-resistance; and some economic considerations are also discussed. Attention is drawn to new rela­tionships emphasizing the need of further research into yield compo­nents, both from the aspects of production and evaluation of in­­bred lines, and the development of traits in the hybrids. These sub­jects are complemented with pa­pers discussing the phenomenon of heterosis, resistance and seed-corn biological studies, certain develop­mental and nutrition-physiological problems and some of the impor­tant quality tests employed in this field of research. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences В U DAPEST
