Symposium on Modern Methods in the Investigation of Protein Structure. Budapest, 6-8. Dec. 1965. (Budapest, 1967)

SYMPOSIUM ON MODERN METHODS IN THE INVESTIGATION OF PROTEIN STRUCTURE Budapest, 6-8 October 1965 Edited by F. B. Straub and P. Friedrich The papers presented at the Symposium survey some of the modern methods applied in the research on protein structure and the results obtained. Al­most the entire field of struc­tural studies on proteins is covered, including methods for the determination of amino acid compositions and se­quences as well as the investi­gation intoprotein conformation. Some recent methods for the physical-chemical characteriza­tion of proteins are of special interest: e. g. those for the up­­to-date interpretation of optical rotatory properties of proteins, which differs markedly from theories accepted earlier, and X-ray crystallographic and electron-microscopic methods, illustrated with numerous orig­inal photographs and figures. In addition, recent trends in the study of the relation between the structure and function of proteins have been dealt with. Through successfully adopted examples a comprehensive pic­ture is provided of the synthetic endeavours of modern biochem­istry, which aim eventually at the understanding of vital proc­esses on a molecular level. Fur­ther, also a concise review of related investigations in progress all over the world is included. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ
