Szabó Imre - Péteri Zoltán (szerk.): Comparative law: 1978: Selected essays for the 10th International congress of comparative law - International Congress of Comparative Law 10/1. (Budapest, 1978)

1828-1978 PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR OF THE 150th JUBILEE Comparative Law 1978 Droit comparé The present volume prepared for the Xth In­ternational Congress of Comparative Law is a continuation of the series dealing with the progress of comparative work done by Hun­garian experts of legal and administrative sciences. Previous results have been made avail­able in collections of essays under the follow­ing titles: Studies in Jurisprudence; Études en Droit Comparé — Essays in Comparative; Droit Hongrois Droit Comparé/Hungar­­ian Law-Comparative Law; The Comparison of Law — La Comparaison de Droit, all prepar­ed for the Congresses of Hamburg, Uppsala, Геасага and Teheran, respectively. The papers presented in this book by eminent scholars of Hungarian legal and administrative sciences cover almost every field of legal sys­tem, making it possible for the international reading public to get acquainted with the latest results of the legal development in Hungary. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
