Szász Gábor: Introduction to lattice theory (Budapest, 1963)

Gáboi- /Szász INTRODUCTION TO LATTICE THEORY Although lattice theory is of comparatively recent develop­ment, it has rapidly been estab­lished as one of the major dis­ciplines of modern algebra, and whilst the results derived from the theory of fields and from ring theory are wider in scope, yet lattice theory is now at least as important as group theory. Of the books already published in this field, the excellent work of Birkhoff is purely for research workers, that of Hermes is of an introductory nature and the work of Dubriel-Jacotin, Croisot and Lesieur contain relatively scanty material. This present monograph by Szász is, therefore, a valuable contribution in this field. The subject-matter is dis­cussed in a thoroughly compre­hensive manner but with a clarity of conception and sufficient de­tail to make it suitable for be­ginners in this field. The value of the book is enhanced by the numerous simple and instructive figures.
