Szegi József (szerk.): Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Soil Biology and Conservation of the Biosphere 2. - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Soil Biology and Conservation of the Biosphere 9/2. (Budapest, 1987)

PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on SOIL BIOLOGY AND CONSERVATION OF THE BIOSPHERE VOL. 2 EDITED BY J. SZEGI The effect of fertilization on soil biological processes, interaction between soil organisms and pesticides, biological N-fixation in soil fertility, the role of soil organisms in the decomposition and synthesis of or­ganic matter, in soil formation processes and soil ecosystems, as well as relationships between higher plants and soil organisms which are the main topics of the papers presented at the 9th International Sym­posium on Soil Biology and Conservation of the Bios­phere focus on the current problems of soil biology in an age when conservation of the biosphere has as­sumed such importance for mankind. The two volumes comprise the findings of soil biologists and experts of soil fertility and will be of interest not only to environmentalists and researchers concerned with soil biology but botanists, zoologists and ecologists as well. ISBN 963 05 4759 7 (Series) ISBN 963 05 4761 9 (Vol. 2.)
