Tichy, Milon (szerk.): Quantitative structure-activity relationships. Proceedings on the Conference on chemical structure-biological activity relationships. Quantitative approaches (Budapest, 1976)

QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS Proceedings of the Conference on Chemical Structure-Biological Activity Relationships: Quantitative Approaches Edited by M. Tichy There has lately been an ever increasing interest in borderline fields of science. The problems discussed in the present volume belong to such a field constituting a link between biology on the one hand, and chemistry, physics and mathematics, on the other. Scientific workers from all over the world had the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas at this QSAR conference in Prague. It has been attempted to find suitable models for the quantitative estima­tion of the effect of various compounds on biological systems. A practical result emerging from these studies is the possibility to forecast the specific effect of substances to be introduced into industrial use. It is also hoped that with these methods the time and costs of research into optimally active compounds can be re­duced. AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest
