Tolnai Márton -Vas-Zoltán Péter (szerk.): Guide to research and scholarship in Hungary 2. (Budapest, 1988)

7 Libraries

1143 1. CENTRAL LIBRARY OF JÓZSEF ATTILA UNIVERSITY; 1921 2. József Attila Tudományegyetem Központi Könyvtára 3. H-6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 13 H-6701 Szeged, P.O.Box 393 Tel.: (62) 12-718, 11-022 4. Director: Flonorary Associate Professor Béla Karácsonyi 5. Deputy Director: Béla Mader 6. Department of Stock Acquisition Processing Department Reference and Information Department Department of Special Collections Department of Library Techniques Administration (Network Group and Flistorical Reference Library) 7b. Acta Bibliothecaria Universitatis de Attila József nominatae. Dissertationes ex Bibliotheca Universitatis de Attila József nominatae. 8. Library and reading history of the 16th 18th centuries Questions of the way of life of university students; research on library visits and reading sociology Certain questions of Hungarian cultural history Application of computer techniques in libraries 1144 1. LIBRARY OF KOSSUTH LAJOS UNIVERSITY; 1916 2. Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem Egyetemi Könyvtár; DEK 3. H-4010 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1 H-4010 Debrecen, P.O.Box 39 Tel.: (52) 16-666; Telex: 72-200 4. Director-General: Olga Gomba Deputy Director-General: Irén Lévay 5. Heads of Departments: Katalin Balla Mária Barts Mária Korompay Judit Pál Ilona Eke János Csűri 6. Acquisition Department Department of Subject Specialists Department of Periodicals Department of Manuscripts 1027
