Török Tibor: Quantitative evaluation of spectrograms. By means of 1-transformation (Budapest, 1972)

T. TÖRÖK and К. ZIMMER QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF SPECTROGAMS BY MEANS OF /-TRANSFORMATION Chemical emission spectral anal­ysis is a method for the accurate determination of the composition and contaminations of a wide range of materials used in science and industry. The technique of /-trans­formation developed by the authors is a modern method of evaluating quantitative spectrographic mea­surements. It has the particular ad­vantage that it may be accurately, rapidly and generally adopted for use over the whole range of optical and X-ray spectra. This book is also a practical guide written for spectrographic laboratories. A description of the principles of/-transformation is fol­lowed by numerical examples taken from practice showing the complete procedure for the calculation of the spectrochemical analysis. Conve­nient use of the book is facilitated by well-arranged removable charts. AKADÉMAI KIADÓ PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BUDAPEST
