Déri Balázs (szerk.): Missale Strigoniense 1484 - Monumenta Ritualia Hungarica 1. (Budapest, 2009)

Monumenta Ritualia Hungarica (MRH) The Monumenta Ritualia Hungarica (MRH), as the sub-series of the Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum (BSMRAe), is a philologically accurate critical edition of the Hungarian liturgical sources and of the texts pertaining to the ritual of the wider Latin ecclesiastical tradition from the medieval period (before the Tridentine reforms). The MRH is in the care of the liturgical workshop established under the auspices of the Latin Department of the Faculty of Humanities of Loránd Eötvös University (Budapest). The most representative texts pertaining to the principal areas of the liturgy, namely, to the Divine Office, the Mass, the administration of sacraments and sacra­­mentals, and the normative texts regulating the liturgical practice and life of the medieval Church will be published in their best versions. The larger sources (especially the Breviary) will be published in several volumes. In approaching the texts from a literary point of view, volumes of collections will be prepared according to the individual genres, especially a new critical edition of Hungarian liturgical poetry. The most important and most prevalent genres of the Hungarian Middle-Ages will thus provide firsthand information about much neglected area of the life and activity of the country's medieval clerks. The now rapidly developing international study of the liturgy will, it is to be hoped, extend which has heretofore been considered peripheral, not because it was insignificant but because it has not received sufficient scholarly attention.
