Földváry Miklós István: Psalterium Strigoniense 1. Esztergomi zsoltároskönyv (Budapest, 2014)

Monumenta Ritualia Hungarica (MRH) Series Practica Liturgy was probably the most univer­sal communal factor of medieval and early modern Europe. It was the most important source of spiritual life for medieval man and its treasure of texts, melodies and gestures formed the basic knowledge that intellectuals acquired from their childhood and transmitted later to the illiterates. However, this phenomenon, equally rich in texts, melodies and ceremonies, is currently hardly accessible by the modern man, partly because it is unedited, partly because it cannot be fully reconstructed even with the use of the available editions. Similarly to the Monumenta Ritualia Hungarica (MRH)—a sub-series of the Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Avorum (BSMR/E)—the Monumenta Ritualia Hungarica (MRH) Series Practica is based on strict scholarly principles, but strives to serve a practical purpose, namely to present the medieval liturgi­cal books of Hungary in an easily acces­sible and understandable form. It will make it much easier to apply this mate­rial within the context of research, education, musical interpretation or even everyday ecclesiastical practice. From an educational viewpoint, sources and critical editions will be handled more reliably by a student trained in practical editions. A long­term goal of this series is to provide a starting-point for a revival of the Hungarian Church's peculiar heritage.
