Kabdebo, Thomas: Attila József. Can you take on this awesome life? (Budapest, 1997)

Selected Bibliography

József, Attila (Translations) József Attila és a román költészet; kétnyelvű kisantológia, Az előszót írta és a verseket válogatta: Mózes Huba, A könyvészeti adalékot összeállította Réthy Andor, Bukarest, Kriterion, 1972. József, Attila (Translations) Letters, translated by Miklós Olaszteleky. Footprint Magazine 5,1980, p. 54-52. József, Attila (Translations) 'March 1937' (Translated from Hungarian by Edwin Morgan), New Hungarian Quarterly, 1985. vol. 26. No. 97, p. 53-54. József, Attila (Translation) 'Mother' (Translated from Hungarian by Edwin Morgan), New Hungarian Quarterly, 1985. vol. 26. No. 97, p. 53-57. József, Attila (Translation) 'My Mother' (Translated from Hungarian by Nicholas Kolumban), New Letters, 1983. vol. 49. No. 3-4, p. 137. József, Attila (Translations) Nie ja volam József Attila; vybor basni, prelozil Jan Smrek; (so studiou Horvatha Mártana) Vyd 1. Bratislava, Slovensky Spis., 1952. József, Attila (Translation) 'Night on the Outskirt' (English-translation by Michael Hamburger and Thomas Kab­­debo), New Hungarian Quarterly, 1980. vol. 21., No. 80, p. 46-48. József, Attila (Translations) 'On the pavement...' Poetry Review, 1990. vol. 80, No. 2, p. 30. József, Attila (Translations) Perched on nothing's branch: selected poetry of Attila József, translated by Péter Hargitai; introduction by David Kirby; illustrated by Elizabeth Woodsmall, Apalachee Press, 1986. József, Attila (Translations) Poémes choisis, adaptés du hongrois, préface de Guillevic, (Paris, Editeurs francais réunis, 1961). József, Attila (Translations) Poemas escogidos (de) Attila József, Traducidos directamente del hungaro, Buenos Aires, Horizonte, 1963. József, Attila (Translations) Poems, edited by Thomas Kabdebo; translated by Michael Beevor [et al.], London, Danu­­bia Book Co., 1966 [47 leaves]. József, Attila (Translations) Poesias, Versiones espanolas de Fayad Jamis, Budapest, Corvina, 1967. József, Attila (Translations) Selected poems and texts, Attila József; translated from the Hungarian by John Bátki; edited by George Gömöri and James Atlas. Carcanet Press, 1973. József, Attila (Translations) Stikhi Attila Iozhef, Moskva, Pravda, 1963. József, Attila Maiakovskij, V (Translations) Stikhi = Poems: Vladimir Maiakovskii, Attila Iozhef, Moskva, Raduga, 1983. 213
