Kabdebo, Thomas: Attila József. Can you take on this awesome life? (Budapest, 1997)

Selected Bibliography

József, Attila (Translation) Three Poems, translated by Edwin Morgan, Stand, vol. 7. No. 2. József, Attila (Translations) 'Weary Man' (Translated from the Hungarian by Péter Hargitai), Prairie Schooner, vol. 56., No. l.p. 43,1982. József, Attila (Translations) 'Welcome to Thomas Mann' (English translation by Vernon Watkins and Thomas Kab­­debo), New Hungarian Quarterly, 1980. p. 49-53. József, Attila (Translations) 'Without hope' (Translated from Hungarian by Edwin Morgan), New Hungarian Quarterly, 1985, vol. 26., No. 97, p. 50-51. József, Jolán A város peremén, Budapest, Móra, 1963. József, Jolán József Attila, Budapest, Cserépfalvi, 1941. (2nd ed.) Kamara, Laimonis Atilu Jozefu lasot, Karogs, Riga 11, USSR. vol. 11, p. 135-137,1970. Khaidu, Gábor (editor); Gusev, Iurii (translator) Stikh moi, búd' otvazhen! íz tvorcheskogo naslediia klassika vengerskoi literatury Attily Iozhefa, 1980.; Literatumoe Obozrenie, Organ Soiuza Pisatelei USSR, Moscow 1-254. Klein, George Attila József, in George Klein, Pieta, Cambridge, Mass., 1992. p. 37-96. Koestler, Arthur A dead poet in Budapest (József, Attila), New Hungarian Quarterly, 1989, Vol. 30., No. 114., p. 69-71. Koestler, Arthur Poetic insterlude in The invisible waiting London, Collins, 1954. p. 163-187. Kurucz, Gyula 'Nem tudok mást, mint szeretni.' (József Attila: 'Eszmélet), Studia Littereria, Debrecen vol. 6., p. 79-91. 1968. Lator, László Can one translate Attila József? New Hungarian Quarterly, Vol. 21., 1980., No. 80., p. 68-74. Lengyel, András Az 'elrejtőzött világrész' keresése, Forrás, 1995, April p. 53-77. Levendel, Júua Fodor József emlékezése József Attilára, Kritika, vol. 11. 1974, p. 16-17. Lotz, JÁNOS The structure of the sonetti a corona of Attila József, Stockholm, Almquist and Wiksell, 1965. Mészáros, István Attila József e Tarte modema, Milano, Lend, 1964. Mihály, András Six songs on words by József Attila, English lyrics by Don McAfee / German lyrics by Imre Ormay, New York, Frank Distr. Corp. 1970. 214
