Kubinyi András: Matthias Rex (Budapest, 2008)

One. The Family and Relatives of Matthias Hunyadi

anything more about the son, but Matthias’ “sister” was clearly his cousin, Jusztina Szilágyi. Voivode Dracula’s house on Market Square in Pécs was given away in the 1480s by his widow, Lady Jusztina. It seems that Matthias offered Jusztina, who had been widowed for the first time in the mid-l470s, in marriage to Vlad in the hope that the voivode, as his cousin-in-law, would represent his interests in Wallachia. The second son of László Szilágyi, Mihály, also began his career in the service of his brother-in-law János Hunyadi as the vice-count of Toron­­tál (1451), subsequently becoming the captain of Nándorfehérvár (1456). In late 1456 he was made ban of Macsó, which placed him among the barons. In 1458, he was elected as the country’s regent. He will be exam­ined in detail later on. It seems likely that he married the illustrious aris­tocrat Margit Bátori de Ecsed while he was serving as regent. Their mar­riage, however, produced no children. The younger brother of Osvát and Mihály Szilágyi, László Szilágyi, Jr., who was his elder brother Mi­­hály’s captain in Nándorfehérvár, was murdered on the orders of Durad Brankovic, the Serbian despot, at the turn of 1456—1457. There is no evi­dence that he was married, but if Jusztina was his daughter rather than Osvát’s daughter, then he must have been married. In addition to his three sons, László Szilágyi also had three daughters: Erzsébet, who became the wife of János Hunyadi; Zsófia, who married János Geréb of the Kacsics gens-, and Orsolya, who became the wife of János Rozgonyi. The Geréb family were distinguished noble landown­ers. The father of János Geréb, also called János, had served as vice­voivode of Transylvania. The younger Geréb, a court knight, was appoint­ed by his brother-in-law János Hunyadi as vice-voivode of Transylvania and captain of Görgény. When his other brother-in-law Mihály Szilágyi was elected as regent, János Geréb was appointed as his deputy, although his sphere of influence was limited to Transylvania. He held the post until August 1458. In 1459, he became captain-general of Transylvania. When, in 1460, the king became reconciled to Szilágyi and reappointed him as regent of Transylvania, János Geréb once again became deputy to his brother-in-law until the latter’s capture by the Turks. Geréb acquired sub­stantial lands. In 1464, Matthias awarded the Fogaras estate to him, but the king also made sure that the husband of his great aunt should not be accepted into the aristocracy. In 1466, he was the salt monopoly admin­istrator in Transylvania, but in 1469 Matthias, citing some differences of 18
