Koestler, Arthur: A láthatatlan írás. Az önéletrajz második része (1932-1940) (Osiris könyvtár - Irodalom, 1997)

Függelék. A kötetben idézett József Attila-fordítások

Függelék A KÖTETBEN IDÉZETT JÓZSEF ATTIL A-FORDÍT ÁSOK INNOCENT SONG I have no God, I have no King, my mother never wore a ring, I have no crib or funeral cover, 1 give no kiss, I take no lover. For three days 1 have chewed my thumb for want of either crust or crumb. Though I am twenty, strong and hale­­my twenty years are up for sale. Should there be none who wish to buy The Devil's free to have a try; then shall I use my commonsense and rob and kill in innocence. Till, on a rope, they hang me high, and in the blessed earth I lie­­and lush and poisoned grasses start rank from my pure and simple heart.
